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About us

Body Brain Dynamics is the organization behind Cognitive Fitness. The organization was founded by the developers of Cognitive Fitness in 2012 as a training institute to spread the method.


Since its founding, Body Brain Dynamics has trained and inspired thousands of people and continues their mission to get people healthy not only physically, but also cognitively and mentally.


Perry Coppiëns

Co-creator of Cognitive Fitness and owner and founder of Body Brain Dynamics


Edward Maitimo

Co-creator of Cognitive Fitness and co-owner and founder of Body Brain Dynamics


Dr. Sara Galle

Neuropsychologist / GZ psychologist
Teacher of Cognitive Fitness training
Did research on effect of exercise for elderly people at VU University Amsterdam


Dr. Anna Meijer

Neuropsychologist/Exercise Scientist
Cognitive Fitness Training Teacher
Lecturer at Leiden University
Researcher VU Amsterdam
Healthcare psychologist in training


And we work with a growing team of professionals to spread Cognitive Fitness all over the world

Dutch Chamber of Commerce 54462193 / VAT NL851314910B01 / IBAN NL64INGB0006071650 Body Brain Dynamics / BIC INGBNL2A

Ambachtsweg 78, 3542 DH  Utrecht, The Netherlands

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